Values you can place in your command to be replaced with something else.
Example Message:
Alphalaneous: !hug Nightbot
Example Chat response:
Command message: $(user) hugged $(query)
loquibot: Alphalaneous hugged Nightbot
List of variables:
Variable | Action |
$(if[<Condition>] <Text> | <Else Text>) | evaluates a condition (Example: "$(if[1 < 2] do this | otherwise this)") and returns the first option if true, else the second option if false (optional) |
$(user) | returns the sender's name |
$(touser) | returns the sender's name if there is no query |
$(arg <Number>) | returns an argument from the message, example: $(arg 2) to get the 2nd word of the message |
$(eval <JavaScript code>) | returns the result of the JavaScript code |
$(displayname) | returns the sender's display name |
$(instantrequest) | forces the ID sent with this action to go to the top of the queue (Geometry Dash) |
$(request) | finds a level ID in the message and requests it (Geometry Dash) |
$(userid) | returns the sender's user ID |
$(userlevel) | returns the chat level of the sender (everyone, subscriber, twitch_vip, moderator, owner) |
$(messageid) | returns the ID of the message |
$(randomline <Text File/Website>) | returns a random line from a text document (Use "file://" before a file path) |
$(sound <mp3 File/Website>) | plays a sound from an mp3 file (Use "file://" before a file path) |
$(level <Position> <Attribute>) | returns Geometry Dash level info of the position in the queue |
$(channel) | returns the name of the channel |
$(channelid) | returns the ID of the channel |
$(count) | returns the amount of times the command was ran then increases it by one |
$(query) | returns the text after the command |
$(tts <Optional: voice={Amazon Polly Voice}> <Text>) | plays a text to speech sound with the input text |
$(cheercount) | returns the count of bits within the message |
$(querystring) | returns the text after the command url encodeded |
$(time <Timezone> <Format>) | returns the time (see Time Format and Timezones) |
$(urlfetch <URL>) | returns the response from the URL |
$(newline) | splits the text into a new message |
$(foundword) | returns the word found when using keywords |
$(randomviewer) | returns a random viewer from the viewer list |
$(levelpercent) | returns the level percent of the level being played in Geometry Dash |
$(emptymessage) | returns if the message after the command is empty or not (true or false) |
$(followage <Username>) | returns the follow age of a user |
$(weather <Location>) | returns the weather of a location |